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2 Års løb
Dansk Opdrætningsløb :
Nobodybeatsthebeat, Sweet Home Alabama, Therumoursaidfire, Bad Moon Rising, Dontpaytheferryman, Eightdaysaweek, Howlingatthemoon, Kungfufighting
Flot anden:
Frontline, Kaleidoscope
Jysk 2 års GP :
Frontline, Kaleidoscope, Nobodybeatsthebeat, Therumoursaidfire, Bad Moon Rising, Dontpaytheferryman, Kungfufighting
Flot anden :
Stand And Deliver, Alongcameaspider, Eastboundanddown, Howlingatthemoon
Heartbreak Hotel
Anacott Steel
Breeders Crown:
Anacott Steel
Breeders Course:
Flot anden:
Bad Moon Rising
3 Års løb
Dansk Trav Kriterium:
Bad Moon Rising, Howlingatthemoon
Flot anden:
Only The Lonely (hopper),Stand And Deliver, Therumoursaidfire
Jysk 3 års GP:
Kaleidoscope (hopper), Nobodybeatsthebeat, Only The Lonely (hopper), Sweet Home Alabama (hopper), Therumoursaidfire, Kungfufighting
Flot anden:
Made Unbeatable, Bad Moon Rising, Fox On The Run (hopper), Howlingatthemoon
Whiskey In The Jar
Chief One (Opdrættersejr)
Grand Circle:
Kaleidoscope, Nobodybeatsthebeat, Only The Lonely, Stand And Deliver, Bad Moon Rising, Kungfufighting
Flot anden:
Sweet Home Alabama, Eastboundanddown
Pay Dirts Mindeløb:
Frontline, Nobodybeatsthebeat, Bad Moon Rising
Anacott Steel
E3 finalist:
Anacott Steel, Dowhatyoudodowell (3)
Svensk Kriterie finalist :
Dowhatyoudodowell (6 efter galop)
Dansk Avlsløb:
4 års løb
Dansk Travderby:
Stand And Deliver,Nobodybeatsthebeat (hopper)
Flot anden :
Kaleidoscope (hopper),Sweet Home Alabama (hopper)
Jysk 4 års GP:
Nobodybeatsthebeat (hopper), Fox On The Run (hopper), Howlingatthemoon
Flot anden:
Bad Moon Rising
Grand Circle
Flot anden:
Stand And Deliver, Therumoursaidfire,Bad Moon Rising
Stochampionatet consulation:
Anacott Steel
Frosty Hanovers Mindeløb:
Flot anden:
Stand And Deliver
Aalborg Store Pris:
Anacott Steel (hopper)
Flot anden:
Stand And Deliver, Fox On The Run (hopper)
Prix Readly Express
Flot anden
Ældre heste:
DM for hopper:
Flot anden:
Ghana Roland,Nobodybeatsthebeat * 2
DM For hingste og Vallakker
Flot anden
Stand And Deliver
Rex The Great Løb:
Stand And Deliver
V75 Løb:
Stand And Deliver
Priser ved hestesportens galla
Årets Hest:
2007 Nobodybeatsthebeat, 2009 Nobodybeatsthebeat, 2017 Dontpaytheferryman
Årets 2 åring:
2007 Nobodybeatsthebeat, 2011 Sweet Home Alabama, 2012 Therumoursaidfire, 2015 Bad Moon Rising, 2017 Dontpaytheferryman,2018 Eightdaysaweek, 2021 Howlingatthemoon, 2023 Kungfufighting
Årets 3 åring:
2008 Nobodybeatsthebeat, 2016 Bad Moon Rising, 2022 Howlingatthemoon, 2024 Kungfufighting
Årets 4 åring
2009 Nobodybeatsthebeat
Årets opdrætter
2009, 2012, 2017
Årets amatørtræner:
2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2021,2023, 2024